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Animal Companions

Animals have baggage too.  

Help your favorite companion find relief from their physical and emotional projects.


Please note: All animal sessions during normal business hours are done via Distance healing at this time.  Please do not bring your pets to the office.


In some cases, I may be able to come to you (local to the Newnan area). Call or email for more information.


Dezzy loves getting daily Jin Shin/Reiki treatments to help with his arthritis and occasional upset tummy.  


Taz gets lots of JSJ and Reiki for his anxiety. He is still a little skittish, but not at all like he was a few years ago! And he likes to cuddle a lot more now.

Jin Shin Jyutsu


A special thanks to Adele Leas for developing Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion and creating the above charts, which are included in her textbook.  She teaches classes around the world to spread this healing art for the benefit of our furry friends.  

Deep Healing

Emotion/Body Code can be utilized to further release any underlying causes of imbalance.

© 2017-2022 Vitality Wellness by Kris, LLC


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Disclaimer: Products offered and Services provided, whether in person or by proxy, are not a substitute for medical care.  Information provided on this website is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.  Neither Kristian nor Vitality Wellness by Kris, LLC make any claims as to healing or recovery from any service and no guarantee is made towards validity.  Information provided is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional.  If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider.

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